Copywriter on the East Coast

(it’s cold over here)

My Mentality

I’m not passionate about my work. That might be bad to say on a site that’s purpose is to convince you to hire me for my work, but hear me out. I’m not passionate about my work in particular, I’m passionate about collaborating with my team to create copy that, in tandem with design, gets the job done. Maybe that’s an uber-creative interactive piece that touches the heartstrings or makes you laugh. Maybe that’s a headline that simply says “Buy this because you need it.” Maybe the graphics speak for themselves.

Either way, my ego doesn’t factor into it. What I care about is reaching customers where they are, and showing them a clear path to where they want to be. And meeting deadlines. Unironically, I care deeply about meeting deadlines.

About Me

I’ve held several professional writing positions across a variety of industries, including sand mining, luxury hotels, and most recently, mortgages. I haven’t loved all these jobs, but they have taught me that there’s always a way to make even the most unappealing of topics resonate with consumers. Even sand.

I’m based in New Haven, CT, but I’ve worked remotely since 2020 and am more than happy to collaborate over Zoom, Google Suite, and any other platforms you use for long-distance teamwork.

About My Portfolio

I am a lot of things, but a designer is not one of them. Credit for any graphic and motion work you see in my portfolio goes to my extremely talented coworkers (and if you’d like to hire them instead, I can put you in touch).